Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I used to live with a white girl. I know in her case, that without a whole lot of care and attention her hair is nothing but a frizzled nappy mess. Forget about running fingers through it.

Black women catch a lot of flack for straightening their hair. But I dont think its to be white. Because white women's hair isn't straight either (many of them also use a flat iron). So it seems to me all women straighten their hair.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Because, for some reason, people confuse hair texture, hair density, and hair shape with whether or not hair is "nappy". Hair texture: A person can have fine, medium, or course hair. Hair density: A person can have thin, medium, or thick hair. Hair shape: A person can have straight, wavy, curly, or kinky (very tightly curled) hair.

I think a lot of people associate "nappy hair" with "black hair" since there are so many black people who have course, thick, kinky hair. But, when making such absurd generalizations, what they fail to take into account is that course, thick, kinky hair isn't the only hair texture, density, and shape that is (or can become) "nappy". (The meaning of "nappy" in reference to hair actually means the same as kinky %26lt;small, tight curls%26gt;. But I use the word "nappy" for the same reason as you're likely using it- because it seems that most people use the word "nappy" in the wrong context- to describe hair which is knotted/tangled.)

People also fail to realize that all of the above hair textures, densities, and shapes are found among black people just as they are all found among white people. Additionally, not all people who have the same hair texture share the same hair density and hair shape. Someones argument may be that most black people have course hair. But do most black people who have course hair also have thick hair? Do most of them have kinky hair?

See where I'm going with this?

Seriously, both blacks and whites can have any combinations of the above textures, densities, and shapes. And the chances of having a variety of combinations increase greatly for bi-racial and multi-racial people. True, certain combinations are more likely to be (or easily become) "nappy". But those combinations are found among all of us.

As for me, my hair is medium %26lt;texture%26gt;, thick %26lt;density%26gt;, and straight %26lt;shape%26gt; (I would say slightly wavy, but it's to such a small degree that it's barely noticeable.)... Anyway, I don't have to do much to my hair to get it to do what I want it to do, but it does get incredibly "nappy". I would have to shave my head bald to remove a "nappy mess" if I didn't brush it multiple times a day. Immediately after brushing is the only time I have a chance in hell of running my fingers through it. The point of my mentioning this is because, well, it's accurate to say that I'm a "nappy headed white woman."

Something else to note is that people also confuse "nappy" with manageability. They assume that "nappy" is the equivalent of unmanageable when, in fact, all hair can be managed in some way.

On a side note- Genetics isn't the only factor that influences hair texture, density, and shape. (Examples: age, environment, and health)

I agree with you that people don't straighten their hair in an effort to "be white". Black women don't manipulate their hair to "be white" any more than white women tan to "be black". SHEESH! Why do people even make an issue of such things? It's unimportant. It serves no purpose to criticize appearances or the changes that people make to their appearances.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

because of past influences that keep getting carried on into new generations. if everyone just shut up for one generation, it wouldnt carry on anymore.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

YOu're right.A lot of white women have nappy hair,the worst is greasy hair..that gets on my nerves.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Not all women straighten their hair, some have naturally straight hair. I have a friend who's hair won't curl to save her life, it's straight as a board.

I guess you could say that some white women have nappy hair too though. Either way it's still insulting to that woman though, isn't it?

Oh, and I think a black woman who straightens her hair is fine! Why would I care how she chooses to wear her hair? Just how I see this.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Even when white women's hair gets frizzy or tangled, it still doesn't have the same texture as black hair (not a nice name I realize) My hair is long and fine and oily and unless I wash it everday it does get nasty looking, but there are white women with bone straight hair naturally.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Well it is news to me that black women are looked down on for straightening their hair, in all seriousness who would bag someone for straightening hair? guess it is because in general most whites girls have straight or wavy hair while black girls have curyly or frizzy hair and ignorant people think that all races should stick to "what God gave them". In all seriousness they are just ugly people who can't be bothered doing something about it! Lol, joking.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

people just love putting people down for instance black women are judged by their own race and people outside it for wearing weaves but when paris hilton wears it nobody makes a deal...i dont care wat people say about me and i date outside my i allways say "if u cant achieve it weave it"

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

White women have frizzy or tangled hair. Black women and white women have very different hair texture. It isn't about trying to black or white. It is about fashion, hair texture, shape, and style. Women straighten their hair now usually because that is what is "in" at this time. Give it five minutes and it will be something else.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Wow...I didn't even know that was the case! I know a lot of black women who look beautiful when they straighten their hair.

Doesn't seem to make much sense...the whole point of styling your hair in different ways is to dress up appearance. Quite frankly, if it makes you look and feel good, do it...being white or black shouldn't have anything to do with it. I don't know a single woman, in general, who hasn't straightened their hair at least once!

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

LOL. Very good point. And no, black women don't straighten their hair to be white. It's a friggin' hairstyle for goodness sake. We catch flak for wearing fake hair, but white women don't catch flak for wearing extensions......So all in all yeah, ALL women straighten thier hair.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

i don't straighten my hair and i'm white. i've heard people call

white people with frizzy hair nappy. lots of people straighten thier hair i could care less. maybe black people look down on black girls who do this b/c they think there trying to act white. but who cares, do what looks good!

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

"i think nappy refers more to the texture than whether it's curly or straight."

No, nappy is not in reference to the texture of our hair unless you are saying that is how w* people refer to Black women's hair texture, which is just clearly stupid.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

That's not necessarily true. There are many white women with nappy or frizzy hair, but some have an issue of their hair always being straight when they want something different.

Once again, we're getting into stereotypes. Stereotypes may apply in most cases, but definitely not all...sometimes not even half the time.

Frankly, I don't care what people do with their hair, as long as it looks good for them. Though, I personally wouldn't want to try to run my fingers through hair with too much grease, hairspray, mousse, etc. Yes, many, if not most, black women use grease in their hair, and I don't care for that. At the same time, many white women use hairspray, which I care for just as little.

Point is, there are many different styles of hair, natural or styled. Some people like certain ones while others like the opposite or something completely different. As a wise man once said, "To each his own."

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Not all sistas straighten their hair and don't NEED to. Black women are goodness with their natural hair.

Check this video and if you were a real brotha you would appreciate the natural beauty of your women:

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Cause their hair would be better described as stringy and lice-prone.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I agree w/ you completely, I mean it's no different w/ weaves. At my college I at least 50% of the white girls have hair extensions but only the black girls are called out for it. But as a black woman who is growing out her relaxer to go natural. I can tell you that most of the flack I get for such is from black women. Most of the flack I got when I was relaxing my hair were from black ppl as a whole male %26amp; female. Why? I think because being black we truly are the only people that stand out. Our hair texture is different, our features are different, our complexions oft times are much different therefore, we are the most recognizable from the rest of society. If you go into a room, say a class room, if all the students backs were facing you, you could immediately pick who was black by hair texture, build %26amp; complexion. But if go into a class (same scenario back to you) w/ asians, latino's, white's, etc., you could not tell so easily. So I think it's because we are more noticeable and society as a whole has been taught to hate us, hate on us and find anything we do unacceptable in some way, shape, form or fashion!

In addition asians have long been known for perming thier hair to make it curly or dying it blonde or wearing blue contacts, but are rarely called out for such!

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

If you can't tell the difference between the hair of most white and black skinned people , especially if left natural , I'd suggest a good eye doctor .

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?


i know women of Italian, Arab, and Jewish descent who are white who really do have hair that could be chemically straightened (many do and with relaxers a bit milder than black women use, not the "thermal straightening")

some white women simply have curly ringlets like Melina Kankerides (Greek descent) and Andie MacDowell

or waves like Brooke Shields

those types of women mildly straighten their hair with flat irons and such but don't have the tightly curled hair of my black sisters

but if they don't comb their hair through or wash it a certain way or style it, the hair can become very tangly and matted a bit and then it resembles kinks

but most people who are white tend to have much straighter hair than our people....not all white women straighten it at all

some women who are white just want their hair extremely straight or want to keep the ends together better so they use straightening styling products and flat iron hair

and there is nothing wrong with tightly curled African hair

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I totally agree with what you are saying. Contrary to popular belief, black hair is not the thickest coarsest hair on the planet. Asians have straight hair but it actually tends to be coarser and thicker than black hair. Jews have "white" hair but it's actually thicker and coarser than the average black persons hair. Many southern Europeans have the same hair texture of many blacks but their hair would never be referred to as "nappy."

Nappy is a derogatory term that was applied for the same reason that every other derogatory terms known to man is applied - to make you ashamed of who you are. It has nothing to do with actual hair texture. As hair has always been a sticking point for black women, giving black women flack for doing the same things that all other women do(straightening, weaving, etc.) is just par for the course. We're trying to be white when we do anything to our hair other than comb it but whites are not trying to be black when they hit the tanning salon, inject collagen in their lips, etc. It's just the ethnocentric mentality that is pervasive in Western society.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Yep! And more interesting is how some people think that, if you're a black woman, wearing your hair naturally is making some kind of political statement against mainstream America!

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Thank you! I To set the record straight, nappy is another term for hair that is not managable, people from all ethnicities have that problem.

White women wear weaves and extentions!

Weaves originate from Europe.


Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

i don't get it either...

there was a study done that i came across that said straight hair actually tangles MORE than curly hair. tangles seem like they'd be considered "nappy" (i certainly think so when i get them! and i have VERY straight hair naturally %26amp; get them a LOT, i hate tangles)

i also don't think someone should get flack for their hairstyle. that's just assinine.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I don't know why people don't say that, but they should. I wear my hair Natural for the most part, but every now and then I'll straighten it. I think all women straighten their hair because it gives you more styling options. The poster that said that black women catch flack whether it's straight or natural from black people more than anything else is RIGHT!

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Well Im one of those nappy headed white girls.. LOL My hair is so curly and its gets way frizzy at times. Only straightened my hair once and I looked odd so never tried it again.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I agree with you 100%

i have witnessed the same as you ..

kudos for posting this question!

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

For the most part women of the white race do have straighter hair than those of the African-American race.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

i think nappy refers more to the texture than whether it's curly or straight. black women tend to have very thick, coarse hair that snarles easily. i don't think it's necessarily an insult. when my hair is thick like that i say i'm having a nappy hair day, and i'm white. i just think of it as a description of what your hair is like, not like something mean to say about someone.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I don't think they do for straighten, I think its for those weaves they sew into their hair, some is down rite wrong.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I dont have to do anything with my hair. My hair is as straight as anything... naturally :)

luckily i dont like my hair being curly or anything like that. Most of the times i dont have to brush my hair once ive washed it.. i just let it go and it's just how i like it :)

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

I believe that the term nappy hair is an ethnic term. White people do say they have frizzy hair. Not all women black or white straighten their hair. Some white women do have straight hair and some have curly. Some straighten their hair and some don't. Who gives black women flack for straightening their hair? I don't think intelligent women would give them flack for straightening their hair if they want it straight. Some women have hair they have to work with alot and some can wash and go. That's the way the world is. Alot of different types. Black, White, or anything in between.

Why don't people say white women have nappy hair?

Because our hair isn't "nappy". For the most of us, our hair is stick straight.

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