Thursday, July 30, 2009

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I'm 16 and can find 5 gray hairs on my head right now.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?


At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

Haven't yet, and don't want to 'til I'm at least 40.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I don't have any grey hair yet

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?


At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

my 23rd birthday I found my first gray hair.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?


At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?


At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

Wow, that's young, but not unheard of. I was about 42 when I found my first one.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I'm 41, no grey or white, and no hair coloring.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

Intimacy with your grandmother is frowned upon in most societies.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

At like 24, THANKS MOM, LOL

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I never noticed them but my wife pulls some every now and then.. I am 25 and don't look gray so don't worry..

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

me? 26

Wife? 18

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I started to get gray hairs when I was 22 or 23.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I believe you find your first gray/white hair at age:30

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

my mom seached me a week ago and found 13

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I've got some friends who started greying when they were in their teens... it's not uncommon. Some of them just kept finding one or two greys a year 'til they got to their 30's and then the greys started coming in more often.

I started finding greys when I was in my early 20's. (My mom started getting them in her 30's I'm guessing I got that gene from her)

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

38 and 11 months.

I still have it taped to a sticky note with the date!

I will be 50 next year.

I have a good friend that turned fully gray at 20.

I think it attracts like being blonde.

The girls really go for him.

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?


At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

8th grade! =(

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?


At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

I don't have any yet and I hope it will be a looong time before i get any. My parents were older b/f theirs came so I am hoping that mine will be the same way. However, although I don't believe in luck, they say people who gray early have good luck! So if you believe in luck, then that's a plus for you!

At what age did you find your first gray or white hair?

At the age of 40. I'm 45 years old now.

I find that Clairol 'Nice 'n' Easy (new improved!) hair dye is a god send. I have to dye my hair every two months. I have long black hair and any sign of a white/silver hair, I either pull it out or wait another month to dye it. I dislike dyeing my hair, but what else can I do. When I have dyed my hair though, it feels great and I feel younger again.

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