Thursday, July 30, 2009

What happens untill old people grow white hair?

If your asking what I think your asking, it's because they lose the pigmentation in the hair follicle the older they get. Happens to everyone!

What happens untill old people grow white hair?


What happens untill old people grow white hair?

well you now albino's have white hair coz they don't have any pigment!

well as you get older you lose that same pigment.

so you could say that all old people are albino's ha ha!!

What happens untill old people grow white hair?

OLD? OLD? you say? Damn!

Hell, I've been white since 40.

Knew a soldier in WW II who went through a bad night.

In his early twenties.

He turned white over night.

You'l turn white too, if you keep your hair.

You have to wait.

What happens untill old people grow white hair?

Gray hair. To some, it's the beginning of the end. Others accept it as a public token of wisdom. A few think gray hair is caused by stress and worry, though there is no evidence to support this concept.

Whether dyed, rinsed or allowed to grow naturally in its spongy, wiry manner, the arrival of gray hair can be a signature event.

Health, heredity and environmental factors all affect when your hair begins turning gray. But the main cause is aging

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