Tuesday, July 28, 2009

If white hair is dead hair how come it still grows?

ALL hair is dead cells! WHITE hair simply lost its pigment which happens as we age! Nails are dead cells too. They grow from INSIDE, where they are NOT yet dead! Kind of creepy, really, isn't it?

If white hair is dead hair how come it still grows?

All hair is dead--it was never alive. It grows from the follicle, which is alive. White hair is simply absent the color.

If white hair is dead hair how come it still grows?

your hair is basically dead tissue with some minerals, like zinc, iron and silicon, no matter what its color is.

what colors ur hair (and eventually disappears, living your hair white) is a pigment called melanin.

melanin is a pigment that colors, among other things like your skin, exists in your hair.

it is produced by melanocytes, that exist in the root of your hairs.

as you age, the melanocyte produce less and less melanin (the ones in the base of your roots, not in ur skin, for some reason unknown to science) so your hair gets white.

If white hair is dead hair how come it still grows?

White or grey hair is hair that has lost its pigment.

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