Thursday, July 30, 2009

Im only 29 & have lots of white to prevent it?

i agree with anderson...

i started having grey hair when i was a teenager, still at school.

now they are mostly gone... but i wish they are back...

to prevent, get enough sleep and make yourself less worrisome. wouldnt recommend dye-ing the hair. its damaging...

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

Part of the course you cannot do anything except dye your hair.

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

is easy ,u just do a hair treatment and ask the one who service u tell him/her what is your problem

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

get ride of it!

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

normally, i would go for a treatment at the hairstylist always suggest what is the best for your hair..

when i was younger, i heard old folks advising us to always give some hair oil to the hair will make your hair goes healthy and strong..and yeah, it was proven true coz i did follow that advise..

but then, if it was too late then i would suggest you either to go for hair and scalp treatment or you may just dye your hair black..habis cerita..!

good luck!

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

dye rambut ko...

tulah, sapa suruh makan bnyk ajinomoto..

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

I heard that stress also contribute to the grow of white hair. If you can, try doing some stress-free activities.

YA seems to be a good place to de-stress too.

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

Have you tried accepting it.....

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

go n 'inai' your hair....

walawei......... now u r a blondie....

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

Sometimes its genetic or harsh hair treatments/ products/ environment, etc.

Uh try coloring it?? Oh just try to accept it I mean we're all gonna grow old one day...

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

White hair is cause by stress, genetic or diet (what you eat).

there is only 2 way to prevent / hide it.

Go to specialist for treatment (expensive) or just die it (easy way)

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

eat Salmon Fish or any other cold water fish.

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

avoid stress, eat fish, dye with henna.

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

keep your heart young ...

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

use hair tonic

Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

You cannot stop time, buy a wig


Im only 29 %26amp; have lots of white to prevent it?

yer. sometime i found white hair also but very rare..

my mom said its because too much stress and thinking..

maybe u should dye it or maintain a healthy life..

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