Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

im curious if anyone else has this happen to them. my daughter is half mexican and half white (im very very white with blonde hair) and hes pretty dark and with black hair. well our baby girl turned our pretty white and with reddish blonde hair. i know she is his. so dont ask if im sure who daddy is. the only guy before him that i was with was mexican as well and i would have had to been 4 months pregnant with her when i met my boyfriend (the one who is her daddy) anyway how many other people have a white chicano baby or something simular. just curious of how common it is. btw my bf wants to get a paternity test done cause he doesnt believe that it really happens (white baby with mexican daddy) since my other daughter is very mexican looking. thanks

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

I can't tell you how common it is, but the baby's genetics determine how it looks. Really simplified, your egg has half your characteristics %26amp; his sperm has half his (he determines the gender, afterall), and when they join, the embryo "chooses" which characteristic to express. Most of the time, it chooses the dominant characteristic (like red hair is dominant over blonde, etc), but it doesn't always do this. And with certain traits, it can come up with a combination. If the has some "white" characteristics in his family, say like lighter skin, the chance is even higher of the baby looking less chicana and more caucasian. Anyway, I hope this helps a little. It is perfectly normal!! Good luck with your new baby!

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

My son is half Mexican - his skin is darker than mine but lighter than his fathers. His hair is medium brown and his eyes are dark brown darker than my own brown eyes. He was also born with mongolian spots. I'm having another half n' half and I don't know what it is going to look like. Report It

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

I don't have a personal experience, but on the news a few years ago, there was a completely hispanic couple who had twin girls. One looked hispanic, the other was blonde hair blue eyes. So, anything can happen.

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

Go to There's a story there about 2 twins from parents that were 1/2 white %26amp; 1/2 black. One girl was black %26amp; the other girl was white. My sis (white) married a guy that was part Hispanic %26amp; Native American, %26amp; both her boys have red hair %26amp; blue eyes.

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

Things like this happen all the time. It is the wonder of genetics. Did you see America's Next Top Model last season? One of the girls, Jael, was half black/half white, and she looked totally white. My husband is half Native American/half white, and he has blonde hair and blue eyes. You never know which traits a baby will inherit. Your boyfriend should be happy to have a beautiful daughter and stop focusing on her skin tone.

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

I am one of three children born to a very white American mother and a semi dark Mexican father. My mother is blond and my father has very black hair. All three of us children have very different complexions. My sister is light skinned with dark hair. My brother is light skinned with light hair and I am dark skinned with dark hair. We all look very much alike except for skin and hair color. My mother actually had the same fight (paternity test) with my father after I was born because all the other children were light skinned and I was not. Tell the father to relax and enjoy the new addition to your family. P.S. Mixed races make the best looking people. Congrats.

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

I have a 15 month old and I am white and his dad is black. I have very pale skin and blue eyes. The dad is very, very black, Wesly Snipes black. And my baby is only a slight shade darker than I am. He looks like my skin color but with one days worth of sun. His hair is dark and curly but it is the texture of my hair and not his fathers. I'm sure I could have another child with him and he/she may come out more like his/her dad and the two children would look like they came from two different sets of parents.

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

it happens. it's all up to the genes. i know a black guy that has a son with a white redheaded girl and the kid is darker, but doesn't look black. he also got "white people hair". i also know another mixed race kid that has blue eyes.

Chicana baby with very white complexion and hair?

It happens! It happened to me! First of all, her hair will get darker as she gets older. Second, she might get darker as she spends more time in the sun-usually. Sometimes, depending on the genes, she'll get her coloring from you instead of daddy. It's crap shoot! You never know what you'd going to get when you mix genes up.

My one sister has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair, she has a beautiful browner skin. Me? I've got green eyes and I can hardly ever tan. We've got a hispanic mom and an anglo dad, you never know what you're going to get!

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