Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where does white hair come from?

white strains...well, age! and/or stress. sometimes it's just in the genes..!

Where does white hair come from?

Or gray hairs. They come in at old age due to your bodying lacking to synthesize a certain protein that produces the pigment that goes into you hair as it growns.

A white hair will come from stress and diet. Basically, a pore will be deprived of that same protien. Ripping it out will allow for a new proper root to grow in its place.

Where does white hair come from?

It can be from pigmentation. My grandmother had dark hair with a one area of white in the fringe of her hair. Genetics sometimes does this.

Where does white hair come from?

i would say a three year old who drives you completly up the wall and not only do you have gray hair you smoke like a train ooooo.... i am sorry i was talking about myself sorry

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