Sunday, July 26, 2009

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

I have heard of this happening..Never actually witnessed it..

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

That depends on the cause of white hair,If the hair whitening was due to a genetic trait which causes early pigment loss,then no amount of Ayurveda treatment will restore color.If the whitening is due to nutritional deficiencies such as selenium or other minerals then a correction in the diet and nutritional supplementation could indeed restore hair color.Ayurveda is good to increase the overall health of the hair and is good prevention to stop hair from premature whitening due to improper care.The natural herb henna is used externsively in Ayurveda,and is very good to help blacken hair.

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

not even

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

If you really want to know the truth, the answer is NO. Once the hait starts turning grey, ther is nothing known to mankind yet to turn it back to black (unless ofcourse you use a hair dye). I have experimented with about half a dozen ayurvedic products and also had detailed discussions with ayurveda doctors on this subject. You may try our a few products of your choice to satisfy yourself. One good thing with ayurveda is that it does not have any sid effects. All the best.

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

can happen wid avurveda.....due to henna n stuff but never seen myself

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

ya i think so

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

I think not wid the Ayurveda bt it can be wid YOGA (Meditation)...

Try this n tell us the resultsss...

Good Luck

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

i agree with kelly

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Henna on hair /Hair care

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Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

NO dude.. who are you kidding? jst go n color your hair!!

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

yes, deninitely, if u take proper diet, keep ur stomach clean, and somehow increase blood circulation to brain, it is possible.

All the nerves of brain can be controlled using pressure at foot.

Auto-Urine Therapy has some secrets for turning white hairs to black

Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?


Can white hair turn blk with Ayurved treatment at age of forty?

While some hair fall daily is natural, stress, hairstyle products and lack of nutrition can cause excessive hair fall as listed at . By changing your lifestyle and using herbal remedies, you can reduce hair loss and greying. More details available at .

1 comment:

  1. Here is an alternative Treatment for hair loss. The formula is 100% natural there will be no side effects.Provillus Treatment
