Friday, July 24, 2009

My hair is weak and some turn in to white?

wt can i do my hair is weak falls when i wash them im 19 years old and some of the hair becomes white

My hair is weak and some turn in to white?

before u wash your hair apply curd to it and keep the curd on your hair for around 15 minutes

curd makes your hair strong and silky

My hair is weak and some turn in to white?

If it's becoming damaged from bleaching or use of haircare products, stop doing what you're doing! If this is a natural thing that has suddenly occured out of the blue, make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist and see what they suggest. Good luck! :)

My hair is weak and some turn in to white?

I have a lot of very fine hair, so I have a couple strands fall out every time I shampoo (I'm not exactly gentle,) so if that's the case it's no big deal. Start using anti-breakage shampoo and conditioner. Garnier, Pantene, and Tresemme are all pretty good brands.

It might also be protein deficiency, which could account for your hair going white as well. You might try drinking Yerba Mate tea. It's supposed to guard your hair against color loss and a variety of other things, along with being packed to the brim with vitamins. It may not work, but at the very least, it's pretty good with a dab of honey in it. :)

My hair is weak and some turn in to white?

There's a difference between fall-out (with root attached) and breakage.

In times of illness or notably poor nutrition, there can be nigh-immediate associated hair fall-out (with roots attached) or there can be *weak* areas in the hair where it may break off later. There is a similar situation with fingernail breakage 1-2 months after illness or severe stress (it takes that long for the weakened fingernail to grow out to where it can just snap off).

I don't believe there's anything that can be done for the weakened areas. One can monitor ones own nutrition more carefully, it hope of avoiding similar situations in the future.

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