Friday, July 24, 2009

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

i am sixteen and my hair is turning white. why is it? and how should I prevent it.

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

its premature greying

various causes

genetic,pollution,improper diet

well you can try applying gooseberry oil {amla oil} its gren in color and a little thick in consistency

dnt use hot water to rinse your hair always use lukewarm or cold

if you cannot find gooseberry oil u can use olive oil that is warmed and mix in a few drops of lemon juice

another remedy is

fenugreek seed soakd overnight

in a small cup of water

then enxt day apply some oil onto your hair massage with finger tips

in tehm eantime mash teh fenugreek seeds along with the water with a mortar and pestle

and then add in a tablespoon of gramflour and mix to a smooth paste

scrub thismixture onto your scalp gently with your finger tips after about one hour of oil on your hair

and then leave this mixture for atleast 20 min

give your hair a good rinse withl uke warm water

do this continously and youll see the difference

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

yes it is safe as it is comprising of natural ingredients and no side effects wat this hair pack is good for those ppl who are having sleeping problems or migranes cos you feel so sleep and relaxed Report It

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

Genetics. Just live with it. Character is more important than aesthetics.

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

Have you been struck by lightening or suffer a traumatic loss ?

Those are the only reasons I know of...

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

live with it, it looks good on rogue from the x-men

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

pls check whether water is polluted.

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

I'm 27 and I find a lot of grey hairs at the top of my head. I let them worry me too. I've heard that sometimes grey hairs can be brought on by a lot of stress. Also, if they're appearing in one specific area, maybe a tramatuic blow happened to that area and they're now growing out.

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

i dont noe but i seen people that have their hair white n their so yong urnot the only one some people have alot spots were they have it white n some people just seem 2 b doin thier hair n they they notice one white hair sorry i couldnt answer ur question

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

It's a combinatiomn of genetics, stress and a vitamin deficiency. Vitamin D, I believe.

Why does my hair turns white? i am just sixteen?

I am only 23 years old and graying... My mother, a beautician explained it this way. Your hair is just dying from the end to the scalp. There is nothing that can stop it. However, you can color it and remedy that problem. Sometimes people just go prematurely gray.

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