Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why am I finding white/gray hair?

I keep finding these itchy white/gray hairs. Some strands actually fluctuate between the normal color to white/gray.

This perplexes me... for I go through little stress and I have a decent diet, but I do not go outside often. My mother and father, who are in their fifties, are just starting their gray hairs.

I'm not complaining about it or anything, I personally think that this is pretty freaking awesome. I'm just curious on what might be contributing to it.

For additional information, I am sixteen and female.

Why am I finding white/gray hair?

white hair is supposed to come from genetics...ntg wrong with u...i know this 16 yr old guy with quite a bit of white hair

Why am I finding white/gray hair?

well you cannot be ageing. see a doctor.

Why am I finding white/gray hair?

Nothing wrong with a little colouring now and again. Try it.

Why am I finding white/gray hair?

The women in my family says eating curry leaves helps a lot, but I'm not sure how you can fit that into your diet, because it can't be cooked just like that... Try searching for it here: It gives you recipes with curry leaves.

Eating a lot of spinach helps too. These are only for preventing further graying of hair. To remove the gray... i'm not so sure.

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